Online Business Owners, Newbies, and Dedicated Entrepreneurs...
"Are You Ready to Get MOTIVATED?"

Are You Ready to Make
BIG CHANGES in Just 30 Days?

Do YOU Want to Make THIS YEAR Your BEST Ever?

...If You DO, I Have a PLAN to Help...

My name is Shawn Hansen, and I'm a successful 6-figure online business owner, multi-book bestselling Amazon author, and retired college professor.
While it's true I'm motivated today...that wasn't always the case.
I struggled for a long time trying to find the "magic formula" to unlock the key to getting and staying motivated.
Eventually, after far too much trial and error – not to mention a lot of wasted time and effort – I discovered how to GET & STAY MOTIVATED.
This "secret" is all about making small, daily changes that led to my being able to do more and to reach the goals I set for myself with less effort and more enjoyment, and that is the key to MOTIVATION!
In Just 30 Days...
"You Can GET & STAY Motivated"
And It's EASIER Than You Think!
Imagine how good it will feel to do SMALL THINGS over the Next 30 Days that will lead to the BIG changes you've been struggling to make...

MOTIVATION MONTH guides you through the PROCESS of doing little things each day that will lead to BIG CHANGES in your MOTIVATION.
Here's What's Included in

30 Days of Small Steps
"MOTIVATION MONTH" is a daily dose of small "lessons" you can act on to
RAMP UP your motivation, so you GET and STAY motivated.
Each Day, You'll Get One (or More) of the Following:
Each day's item will help you RAMP UP your motivation.
Plus, You'll Get a Reflection Exercise...
To make sure you stay on track, each day's small step will have an accompanying reflection exercise to reinforce what you learn.
Start TODAY, and REVIST the Training Anytime!
The day you begin doesn't matter, which means NOW is the PERFECT DAY to get started, AND once you've gone through the MOTIVATION MONTH training ONE TIME, you can revisit again and again to RAMP UP your motivation in NEW AREAS!
The Wrap Up
The "MOTIVATION MONTH" training is delivered on a DAILY BASIS for 30 consecutive days, then, when it's all over, you'll get the full course in ONE package to make revisiting it fast and easy!
There Is NO RISK...
Shawn's Guarantee...
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If for ANY reason, you aren't happy with the "MOTIVATION MONTH" training, I'll refund your purchase...No Questions Asked!
Just contact me within the first 7 days of the training,
and I'll process the refund.
NOTE: After 7 days, NO REFUNDS will be granted!

Click the Button Below to Make a 1-Time Payment of $27 & Start TODAY!
If you've been struggling to GET and to STAY motivated, then "MOTIVATION MONTH" is exactly what you need to change that, so why wait?

Click the Button Below to Make a 1-Time Payment of $27 & Get Started TODAY!